Singular sponsor DRP 2013 Event 10.03.13
Singular sponsor DRP 2013 event that held by Daily Maily at David Intercontinental at Tel Aviv.
Singular sponsor CloudCon 2012 Event 16.10.12
Singular sponsor CloudCon 2012 event that held by Daily Maily at David Intercontinental at Tel Aviv.
Erez Paz, Singular’s CTO presented Drill Down to Double-Take solution of DRP and Move to the cloud.
Erez Paz, Singular’s CTO presented in high level Double-Take solution of DRP and Move to the cloud.
Erez Paz, Singular’s CTO interviewed about the cloud opportunities organization got today.
Double-Take DRP solution benefits 10.10.12
Erez Paz, Singular’s CTO Present the benefits of Double-Take as DRP solution.
Double-Take 6.0 new promo 02.07.12
See the new advantages of Double-Take 6.0 the best DRP solution.
Double-Take solution demonstration 02.04.12
Erez Paz, Singular’s CTO demonstrate Double-Take MS SQL protaction.
Cervelis Case Study 2004
Cervelis Double-Take Case Study in USA.